Parallel campaigns have been created to implement 5210 on a military installation or in a civilian community. 5210 Healthy Military Children will provide toolkits for venues on an installation, like Commissaries or Child Development Centers. 5210 Healthy Children will provide toolkits for civilian venues, like Grocery Stores and Restaurants. Click on a campaign to learn more about each toolkits.
5210 Healthy Military Children and 5210 Healthy Children content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International license. This means that the materials on this website may be downloaded and shared with others (i.e., printed and uploaded to websites or social media platforms) as long as (1) the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness is credited, (2) the materials are not altered in any way, and (3) the materials are not used commercially (i.e., for profit).