Happy New Year to you and your family! With the New Year comes a fresh start and gentle reminders of healthy habits. Drum roll please! We would like to reintroduce our 5210 program and discuss what it stands for and how to implement the healthy practices it purposes as a family.
5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables
- The United States Department of Agriculture recommends that half of a person’s plate should be fruits and vegetables (http://www.choosemyplate.gov).
- A serving of fruits and vegetables is 1 medium fruit; ½ cup of chopped, canned or cooked fruit; ¼ cup of dried fruit; 1 cup of raw leafy greens; ½ cup of raw or cooked vegetables; and/or ½ cup of 100% fruit or vegetable juice.
2 or fewer hours of recreational screen time
- Screen time is free time spent sitting or reclining in front of televisions, computers, tablets, and similar screens.
- No screen time is recommended for children under 2 years old (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015).
- Less than 2 hours per day of screen time is recommended for children and adolescents 2 years of age and older (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015).
1 or more hours of physical activity every day
- Physical activity is any movement of the body that raises one’s heart rate above their resting heart rate.
- Types of physical activity include:
- Aerobic – Involves moving large muscle groups that make a person’s heart, lungs, and muscles work noticeably harder. Examples include bicycling, swimming, and playing chase games.
- Muscle-strengthening – Includes climbing; swinging on playground equipment; and doing sit-ups, push-ups, and resistance training.
- Bone-strengthening – Creates an impact on bones, such as hitting a baseball or softball, jumping rope, or doing gymnastics.
0 sweetened beverages
- Sweetened beverages contain caloric sweeteners, like sugar and syrups, and include fruit drinks, sodas, and sports drinks.
- Drinking beverages with added sugar can contribute to obesity-related issues, diabetes, and tooth decay.
Build these healthy habits into your daily routines!
- Eat colorful fruits and veggies, and make your plate cheerful.
- Limit screen time to help with sleep and create time for other free-play activities.
- Get physical to create healthy hearts, strong muscles, and dense bones.
- Limit sugary drinks to reduce health threats in children.
For more information, explore our website at https://5210.psu.edu/
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2015). Retrieved from https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/Children-And-Media-Tips-For-Parents.aspx